System Specification
Machine NameSP160
ProductsWall Panels / Roof Trusses / Webbed floor Joists
WallsAny size Wall panels between 60mm & 150mm
FloorsAny size Webbed Joist between 60mm & 150mm
TrussesAny size Truss between 60mm & 150mm
Profile SectionAny size between 60mm & 150mm
Punching Units 
DimplesMultiple Stud and Plate Dimples for accurate and fast connections
Service HolesFor water and electrical services
Web NotchRemoves the web of the profile so that studs can pass through for noggins
Lip NotchRemoves the lip of the C plates so that studs  can be connected
ChamferRemoves the corners of the studs so that it can be used as bracing in walls and webs for roof trusses
Anchor Hole13 mm hole is used for anchoring connections as well as general connections
Cut-offPre-cut Part/Full Cut Guillotine
PrinterDynamic Inkjet Labelling
Material GradeS350-S550
Material TypeGalvanize Steel coils
Material Gauge0.6 mm-1.6 mm
Number of Machines1
Production rate (m/hr) 
Wall Panels250-900 m/hr (depending on the design)
Roof Trusses250-500 m/hr (depending on the design)
Webbed Joists200-400 m/hr (depending on the design)
ProductsC&U Profiles (C profiles for plates and noggins are also possible)
UsageResidential dwellings or commercial buildings, dormitories, workers accomodations, hospital, university